Thursday, November 28, 2013

Flame off - Update

Legalizing marijuana is my greatest care currently because one of my roommates is heavy marijuana user. I tried to find YouTube videos about marijuana illegalization. However, most of YouTube videos were about legalizing marijuana. There are always the videos which provide the benefits of marijuana and explain why marijuana has to be legalized. I immediately thought that this might reflects social phenomenon which support marijuana legalization. I started to worry about the fact that most of people assert legalizing marijuana as one of their rights without consciousness about harmful of marijuana legalization. Most of comments for the video ‘The Grassroots Effort to legalize Recreational Marijuana Use in Portland’ support legalization of marijuana for recreational purpose and celebrate Portland. I acknowledge that people support using of marijuana for some benefits; however, I personally think we should not legalize marijuana, especially for recreational purposes. I argued with John Kentor who strongly supports legalizing marijuana. Through argument between me and John Kentor, I wanted to arouse people to the dangers of legalizing marijuana. Because the comment which was written by John Kentor ties perfectly to my final research paper, I supported my claim based on the information to persuade him or her. I could also learn something new from John Kentor because he brought some great point that I didn’t think before.

It is good for Porland. How about us?! Let's legalize marijuana. The one thing harmful about marijuana, it is illegal. 


I understand you support legalizing marijuana; however, you cannot say that there is no harmful about marijuana. It is not true.

+Yoojin Oh Okay, then, tell me about the harmful about marijuana. All people know that marijuana is much much much more safer than alcohol. Then, why should we keep the marijuana as illegal? How about alcohol?

+John Kentor Marijuana is seen as a relatively harmless drug by many people. And it might be true. And this is why marijuana uses for medical purpose. However, the fact that marijuana is much more safer than alcohol doesn’t mean that marijuana is safe enough. Marijuana itself has enough problems like addiction. Marijuana comes from the Cannabis plant and it contains more than 400 different chemicals. And most of the chemicals has unknown effects.

+Yoojin Oh As you said, marijuana is used for medical purpose. It tells us that marijuana is safe enough. We use medical marijuana because some chemicals out of the 400 chemicals have beneficial effects on our health. And addiction. Yes. You are right. Marijuana is addictive. Then what? Cigarette is addictive. Alcohol is addictive. Even video game is addictive.


+John Kentor We cannot legalize marijuana just for the reason marijuana is much safer than alcohol. Because alcohol is already legalized, we also should legalize marijuana?? Why are you trying to increase the risk element? Yes. Marijuana might be safer than alcohol and cigarette; no it can be even healthy. But, as I already mentioned, there are numerous unknown effects, how can you speak conclusively that marijuana is safe. Until now, researches had not revealed anything perfectly. If marijuana has potential dangers, which is not discovered, to health at least a little, we need to vigilant first, instead conclude it is safe. And I think legalizing marijuana is completely different issue with just marijuana itself.
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+Yoojin Oh I did not mean that I support legalizing marijuana because alcohol is already legalized. I mean there is no reason that we keep marijuana illegally. I don’t know your point. Why do you think legalizing marijuana is different issue? Are you trying to say that we can use marijuana illegally? 

+John Kentor Absolutely not. I mean, using marijuana for medical purpose or illegal is different with using marijuana for recreational purpose legally. Have you ever think about the influences, which marijuana legalization will bring, on society? Legalizing marijuana will have a great effect on young people.

+Yoojin Oh No it is not true. I don’t think so. Even though marijuana legalization can effect on young people, we can also protect them through another law which set strict limitation. 

+John Kentor You know that Juvenile crime is on the increase these days, right? I know it sounds like irrelevant issue, but it is not. Even though the laws set limits such as age, capacity, and space, it will become commoditized in ways similar to the distribution of tobacco and alcohol. Legalization of marijuana will result in advertising campaigns for its use. Some of which might be directed toward adolescents. Do not ignore the posibility that legalizing marijuana eventually causes more Juvenile crime.
It may send a message that ‘marijuana is safe to use’ or ‘its use is totally normative.’ Marijuana legalization will change their perspective about marijuana. Is that okay for you?

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Obama Heckler was Right (CNN)

This article was about how Obama keeps changing his mind on the policies of illegal immigrants. Lately, a korean heckler called him out while in a crowd at a denver conference and he responded that he was simply just following the laws of the United States. This article is a combination of fact/value/policy. The fact of the situation is undeniable, as well as embarrassing. The value aspect is tough to argue because many people feel differently about who should be allowed to stay in our country and those who arent. And the policy is whether Obama is following the correct rules of congress, if he is moving on without congress, or if he is treading water to stay out of the public spotlight. I would say the author primarily uses pathos because he is obviously anti-obama. He is siding with the man in the crowd later claiming he is a hero who deserved a round of applause. His main objective was trying to expose Obama as a sketchy character.

Read Here:

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Modest Proposal Ahmad Brooks

Joey King
Modest Proposal
Analysis of Argument

            Ahmad Brooks made a big time hit on Drew Brees in their game against the New Orleans Saints that was sure to make Ndamukong Suh look like a softie. Now of course Suh was once the King of cheap shots but after seeing Brooks pull out a full close line on Brees there might be a new captain in town. Watching Brees head nearly being dislodged from his body was almost as disturbing as Suh stomping on a ‘sensitive’ area of a packer’s player. Of course Brooks had an excuse saying “I got him in the neck a little bit, but it was really in the chest area, the collarbone’. Really? Looking back at the tape I'm not sure the league would fine him 16 grand for a shot to the chest. Going further he went on to say ‘ I didn’t hit him with my helmet. It was my arm’. Do we need anything else for an admission of guilt? Everyone knows that you didn’t make contact with your helmet, man. Your situation is much different than Brandon Meriweather just promise me you wont start tearing ACL’s because you failed to take off Brees’ head. Weather or not Ahmad made a clean play is up for debate but clearly his opinion will not change along with Roger Goodells lack of initiative to make these fines consistent in the league. The hit sure made for a great highlight and controversy but even though it brought Brooks publicity to the peak of his career it still lost his team the game and apparently most important to him, BIG money. 

Friday, November 22, 2013

A modest proposal

The US surveillance program PRISM was be presented that US government surveillance citizens personal privacy. There is a software in China be called Tencent like to check users information. A programmer uses anti-virus software to supervision the Tencent and fund that Tencent browse his 170 personal documents in 10 minutes, out of 150 documents are private documents. That’s really good software can help users to check their PC, a lot of people are not very knowing about the software, so Tencent can help users to check there PC when they log in the Tencent account, that’s cool, and Tencent has another benefit is copy others function, for instance, copy other software’s games, copy others new function and copy others design. That’s convenient to us, we can use much software in Tencent, and thanks for combine them. If you want a software help you to check your documents stealthy and try many new things in one software, just download Tencent in your desktop.

Statists Behind Obamacare Hate Business and Don't Understand How It Works

This article is a speech draft which talk about Obamacare after Obama said last week that you can keep your plan. Rush said Obama didn’t admit lying, but he did lie. In this article, Rush use statists to analyze the benefit or disadvantage to choose Obamacare or keep your plan. At the second paragraph there is an illustration is very interesting that is Obama wears doctor clothes and say, “If you like plan, you can keep you plan.” The article indicated that “Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina said Tuesday it will raise rates as much as 24% on 2013 individual health insurance plans that are being extended next year.” So it gonna cost 24% more than it did when it was taken away, because the plan’s still illegal. They gotta charge 24% more so it’s kind like a new plan after charge, but Obama concerned it’s old plan. So the big advantage is the price. In this article, Rush use irony to talk about Obamacare and the sentence he said, “If you like plan, you can keep you plan.” At the last of this draft, Rush said, “they're never wrong. They never misjudge. Everything's your fault, or our fault. But I'm telling you, this is an anvil that is poised over this country. And the American people know it.”