The film I
chosen to talk about is Avatar by
James Cameron, which can the top Box Office not just because
of its high-tech special effect, lovely background music and beautiful finesse,
but also its touching and meaningful storyline.
The main character,
Juke Sully, who is an disable former Marine took part in the Avatar Program, is
distributed to get in touch with “native” in the Pandora in order to benefit
the US occupancy. By getting closer and closer with them, Juke Sully
accommodates the new living environment and culture or even become part of
their members. With building up a good relationship with the native, he does
not want to occupy the Pandora by forcing them to move away. Meanwhile, he
understands that as a soldier, acting in unquestioning obedience to the orders of their
superior officers is priority. But, lastly, he still chooses the way, that he
considers it is correct and justicial. He asks the native to fight back the US
army to protect their territory.
For me, I totally agree with the Juke
Sully even he disobeys the order from his superior official, and I appreciate
his positive attitude, that he is willing to fight for justice and his bliss
bravely. In the reality, many people would like to obey and follow the order or
instruction from their bosses, leaders and others with the great social status
and power. Sometimes, they realize that the orders are immoral and atrocious,
to consolidate their social status and secure their livelihood, they just obey
with keeping silence. In fact, everybody in the society needs to take the
responsibility for maintaining the justice. Without the justice, the society is
no longer for development but collapse. Therefore, before taking action, we
ought to consider deeply what is right or wrong but not just obeying with
covering our “eyes”.