Thursday, October 10, 2013

Shutdown Proposal

Shutdown Proposal

            This article explains John Boehner stepping forward for the republicans and conveying to Barack Obama and the Democrats that they would like to enter talks about how they together could reduce chronic federal deficits. While Boehner claims that the proposal could be voted on by Friday, this clearly means that what they come up with will likely be a quick fix that opens up the government but is incapable of solving our nations debt issues.
            While opening the government after this ten day shutdown is clearly step one, I still believe that it is important that we get to the source of our issues and attempt to clean our government up before it forces itself into a shut down once again.
            Democratic lawmakers such as an unnamed person from CNN mentioned that these are all short-term deals to raise the federal borrowing limit. Yet again I just want to make it clear that this is nothing that will be sustained.  

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