Sunday, September 29, 2013

PBS Newshour Article: "Pursuing Higher Education Without A Social Security Number"

I read the PBS Newshour article “Pursuing higher education without a social security number”, written by Elisabeth Ponsot and watched 2 videos attached to the article reporting on real life examples.  The article focuses on the issues “undocumented” (non-US citizens) face when attempting to go to college without a social security number.  In the two cases highlighted, the young adults were brought to America by their parents when they were extremely young, spent years in public US schools but when trying to get into college ran into numerous issues.  One includes the cost of tuition for undocumented people.  They would not qualify for in-state or out-of-state tuition but would fall under the international tuition bracket, which is extremely high.  The second issue is to try and pay for that higher international tuition, they cannot apply for any scholarships/grants either as they do not have the proper requirements (social security number/license/etc).

This issue has been a government debate as to how best approach this situation.  A fact claim was provided noting that in April of this year 2013, the Oregon governor, John Kitzhabler approved a new law called “tuition equity” which allows those students to be placed in the “in-state” tuition category if they’ve spent a certain number of years in that particular state and in those public schools. However currently not all US states are on board and those decisions have been highly debated as it may seem unfair to those here in the US as true US citizens who do not get that same treatment.  Although not outright stated, I believe the heart of the article had pieces of value claims with a general belief that there should be tuition equity as a means to help children, by no fault of their own, came to the US and have since spent the rest of their lives here.

Scientists Recommend Having Earth Put Down

"According to climatologists, putting the suffering Earth down now would be the humane thing to do."
This article reports on the announcement of the diagnosis of Earth, the route that is best to deal with it and stayed with all the way to the end decision. This reported on a policy claim by the world's scientific community, namely Dr. Robert Wyche who stepped up the the plate and tell the hard truth like it was. Course of action from the initial claim is to do what is needed to relieve the poor, suffering planet. Grounds for this claim is also a fact based claim of responsibility of welfare for sickly Earth would revert to humanity and as time goes on that continues rise in difficulty level. Their argument worked, for humanity thought about it seriously and consented to do what was right. Humanity has been given a few moments to say good-bye before Earth is released from it's pain. We will miss you Earth.,34034/?ref=auto