Here we definitely have a policy claim being waged by the residents of Honk Kong with a great deal of value claim fueling the fire. A protest was brought to the streets in a call for the resignation of Chief Executive, Leung Chun-Ying and an explanation as to why a bid was refused by a television station. What I see as their definitional argument is grounded on recent bids by three television networks applying for free-to-air license with the local government refusing Hong Kong Television Network's bid. The protest it to be told why even though they know those in charge are 'pro-Beijing'. The people of Hong Kong are taking the inductive approach of seeing the two other networks as 'pro-mainland' which is the reasoning the Chinese government allowed their bids to go through while denying Hong Kong rights to airing freedoms. The Chinese government does not want Hong Kong to gain anymore and possibly limit the independence it already has compared to the rest of the country.