This article was about Republican Sarah Palin's recent speech she gave at an Iowa convention about Christianity in America. This article is definitely a value claim. Sarah Palin has been scrutinized since her epic fail at Republican Vice President candidate backing John McCain in 2008. Although her airhead debate comments were likely the reason McCain was defeated, she is a devout christian and was very well spoken and supported at the recent convention. She argues that America is slowly declining into a communist nation. We are at war with ourselves trying to keep christianity in America and we are essentially "slaves" to China since we owe them $1.3 trillion. The symbolic "church" she is referring to is not a literal church, but the Democratic Obama Administration whom she blames for both of these. She uses a combination of fact claims, symbolic comparisons and ethos. Her credibility is definitely worth noting being the former governor of Alaska.
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Sunday, November 10, 2013
"Flame Off" - Capital Punishment
I chose to find a video that sparked an online debate about the Death Penalty in America. This tied in perfect with my semester research paper so I was able to use my prior knowledge to persuade others of my opinion. One thing i didn't think about was that my Facebook and youtube accounts are linked, so the u of m email address is not the one thats identified with my comments. Anyways, I intervened between a few nasty comments to try and bring civility back into the discussion. I directly commented to at least 3 posters, and commented 2 of my own thoughts on the topic. The comments were mainly back and forth fights about why capital punishment is justifiable and mostly made up statistics. Atleast, they didn't match my statistics that I spent considerable time researching. The most humorous part was that they even fought over the particular case in the background of the video which most people didn't realize was a mock scene. I never took a particular side since it is such a controversial topic. There are good arguments for why somebody should be put to death, but there are better arguments for why it should be abolished. I learned a lot about both sides over the semester from doing research for my paper, so I took turns arguing for and against the death penalty by looking back to my sources even though i didn't post them with my comments. I supported some users and battled against some users, but not to necessarily win the fight, but to get people talking in a much more respectable and thoughtful manner.

+James Cureton Jr. While your argument makes sense, but what if personal issues altered your opinion on the matter? What if per say you happened to be related to one of those whom you've condemned to death? Would you still than "Shove It?"

+hiphopkindoflives well perhaps you could shed some light on the topic. Do you know of this particular case? I don't think its "being soft ass bitches" trying to say that everyone deserves a fair trial. Especially not knowing anything about this case, what if this man was wrongly convicted?

+Doombuggy53 but what constitutes death is acceptable punishment? Are you a christian? How do you think god feels about us declaring ourselves worthy of doing his work? And if your not a christian, how do you think the rest of the world sees us (in a humanitarian aspect)? I respect your thoughts, just wondering.

+Jo Franco Im sorry but thats ridiculous. I just finished doing a semester research paper on the death penalty and all the info i have found is in complete disagreement with your statement. On a personal level you have to honestly believe that fear of incarceration and death is the reason YOU behave as the way you do on a daily basis. You are not born a perfect being with always good intentions. You've never wanted to punch somebody but feared assault charges so you walked away? You've never wanted to steal something you really wanted but couldn't afford but feared theft charges? Your full of shit man
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