Sunday, November 10, 2013

Palin Blasts "Church of Government" (CNN)

This article was about Republican Sarah Palin's recent speech she gave at an Iowa convention about Christianity in America. This article is definitely a value claim. Sarah Palin has been scrutinized since her epic fail at Republican Vice President candidate backing John McCain in 2008. Although her airhead debate comments were likely the reason McCain was defeated, she is a devout christian and was very well spoken and supported at the recent convention. She argues that America is slowly declining into a communist nation. We are at war with ourselves trying to keep christianity in America and we are essentially "slaves" to China since we owe them $1.3 trillion. The symbolic "church" she is referring to is not a literal church, but the Democratic Obama Administration whom she blames for both of these. She uses a combination of fact claims, symbolic comparisons and ethos. Her credibility is definitely worth noting being the former governor of Alaska.

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