Thursday, November 14, 2013

Flame Off: Paul Krugman on the Demise of the Middle Class

Flame OFF: Income Inequality and the Middle Class
This piece is a You Tube features that is a segment of a lecture given by Princeton Economics and International Affairs Professor Paul Krugman. The addition is somewhat dated since it was uploaded in 2007. However, the presentation had more than 1300 comments so I was intrigued by the heavy response to a controversial subject. In the video, Krugman asserts that the period of American History that he calls the “Great Compression” (1930s-40s) established the American middle class during the Roosevelt Administration with the implementation of expansive social policies. Krugman argues that the demise of the middle class can be directly linked to the mass eradication of unions that took place beginning in the mid-to-late 1970s.  Wages were effectively driven down along with the elimination of mass negotiation that gave it the original power to demand a livable wage for laborers. This topic links directly to my research thesis about class warfare and class-related economic, social, and political challenges.

MickiMal-me, personal entry
It is interesting to see this piece dated back to 2007. At this point, the subject matter has been articulated and expounded upon by former Secretary of Labor Robert Reiche, in his 2013 documentary about income inequality in the United States. Although Mr. Krugman has ample evidence and visual aids to bolster his thesis that the unions and globalization helped break the strongest middle class (America) in United States history; it could be argued that what I see here is a forerunner to his hyper-simplified moneymaking video that was structured around his own class being taught at Berkeley. While it appears based on this piece that he might have ‘borrowed’ his groundbreaking material from Krugman.   
 R Clarke3
yes economics is vital if you want to unnderstyand the world and you are correct to say glabraith subtly explains the history of modern man is a history of economics but we are in an era when most economics students are brainwashed neoliberals who belive in stuff which marx disproved in 1860 kaynes disproved in 1935 and we all had disproved to us in 2007/8, so unideal all round
MickiMal – me, reply to Clarke 3
The 2008 Nobel Laureate in Economics, Paul Krugman, is a "fraud"? Try again. It might help your argument if you knew how to spell; it is always helpful in making a valid point. Further, on what do you base your claim that “most economics students are brainwashed neoliberals who ‘belive,” (sic) the diatribe of Marx and Engels? Anyone who has taken logic in high school or college knows that your premises need to be true in order to reach have a valid argument. You must be a foreign exchange student or a Communist yourself because you are neither an English Major nor a true American based upon your warped ideas and your limited education my friend.
Paul Krugman has recently been denounced as a fraud. Just google it, brand new news. They proved it by showing that years ago he recommended the housing bubble. He is no longer credible. I am more credible that that bufoon for Obama.

 MickiMal - reply to TheMsVick
What credibility do you have to ascertain the viability of this man’s knowledge base? I would argue that having an advanced degree in two subjects would place him in a stellar position to do just this type of presentation. It is reprehensible that you would take the opportunity to bash a respected academic on his own hard-won years of research. His educational pedigree contains enough clout to warrant at least the appearance of respect by the laity. You accuse him of ‘recommending’ the housing bubble. Are you sure that you did not mean ‘foreseeing’ the housing bubble? I would sincerely be interested in understanding your own background in economics a little better because we all know that even the experts make mistakes. Even so, we all (or those of us who have studied political and social evolution) know that social, political, and economic change in societies very often comes not from the electoral process but from the working class and their decision to ‘take-it-to-the-streets’ when it comes to implementing change. Union advocacy would be a solid example of that grass-roots activism that is at the core of the American society. I agree that if this gentleman is a ‘fraud’ as you dismissively call him- then he needs to be held accountable. However, I have found nothing that links him directly to Mr. Obama or his minions, and I certainly have seen nothing even close to incriminating evidence of his ‘bufoon-ery.’   
Valeriereified- in response to TheMsVick

Back up with facts, otherwise this is little more than sound and fury signifying a lack of reading the whole intro to economics textbook

MickiMal- me in response to both of the above

Way to go valeriereified! Based upon the lecture cited above, Ms Vick failed to do her due diligence. It is always best to have credible evidence to back up claims such as ‘fraudulence’ and ‘bufoonery,’ otherwise as bloggers we run the risk of losing our ‘own’ credibility along with our point in the discussion. Put up or shut up Ms Vick: waddya got?

MickiMal-me personal response two (five total)

This gentleman (Professor Krugman) is dry as a bone in his delivery but his research is sound. As someone who has studied both American history and Political Science I found his data to be right on the money. You would be hard pressed to find any solid refutation of his central premise – that union dissolution in this country helped break up the foundation of the middle class beginning in the late 1970s. Lauded historian Alan Brinkley concurs as do political scientists Rod Hague and Martin Harrop.  
However, while I concur with Doctor Krugman in his primary claims I also think that he oversimplified the message by giving no (or very little) mention to the issue of globalization and the systemic and overwhelmingly adverse effect it has had in driving manufacturing jobs out of the country. Inevitably they go to lesser developed nations willing and or capable of achieving competent and dependable production at far less cost than American workers can afford to be employed. That oversight in Krugman’s analysis leads to what I see as an oversimplification of the problem, even though the results are the same: a stunted middle class that has lost most of its hard-won economic strength to greedy corporate behemoths and astute but soul-less manufacturers willing to outsource the American dream.       

flame off

My paper is on the war in Syria, and the only video I could find is a 17-minute video of Syrians fighting throughout the country. The first comment I made was "I am glad the US did not enter this war. There is no win there for us, only casualties." Most of the comments on there were either derogatory towards Americans, or derogatory towards Syrians. I decided to go with this comment to introduce my stand on the topic, and hopefully get some responses. My Next comment was a reply to a person who thinks the United States is backing the terrorists, I said, "you are sadly mistaken if you think the US supports them, the US Citizens did not want to go to war, and you think we support them? Ridiculous. " I decided to start an argument with this guy because he seemed to have a very strong opinion, but had the most ridiculous statements on the war. They were vulgar and I do mot feel comfortable sharing them on the blog. My next comment was another reply, to a man who said "fuck terrorists and fuck Americans." My reply was "What do Americans have to do with this? The one time the US doesn't go the aid and now you say that? Please tell me why." I did this because I thought it would start a good argument on the war. He seemed very aggressive and filled with emotion, and that is the type of person I can easily win an argument against. My fourth comment was quite different than the others, instead of trying to start an argument I agreed with a person. He stated that a video this violent should be flagged as inappropriate, and i replied saying "Agreed, this type of violent stuff should not be posted on a media such as YouTube, where it is very easy for kids to get on." I felt it was a good idea to do this and maybe others would join in and start a heated debate on whether a video like this should be able to be posted on a media like YouTube. My last comment was a general comment, I said "Why is everyone focusing on whether the Syrians are good shooters or not? It does not matter, what is happening there is a tragedy, and people should never have to go through something like that." This statement is a reply to everyone who commented on the fact that the soldiers are not trained well and they look like idiots shooting their guns. It seemed like half the comments were talking about this so i decided this would be a good thing to bring up and hopefully start a strong argument. This was a pretty difficult thing to do especially since YouTube made it so you can only reply to comments that were made within the last week, and my video was already pretty old.

Flame Off

Abortion Clinic Investigated For Twisting Heads Off Babies Necks

This video debates on people's attitudes on abortion. A late-term abortionist who is charged for murders a baby by twisting his or her head off necks, may have murdered hundreds of babies during the decades the clinic was open according to those who worked at the clinic. 

Alex Jones and Paul Joseph Watson have a talk based on this news. Watson points out that anti-abortion people simply address the horrific procedures of the abortion. But some other people who are pro-choice have unconvincing reasons to support their idea such as overpopulation theory which is fraudulent. Watson has evidence that says the birth rates in many European countries and the U.S even do not achieve the replace rate. But many authorized publishes provide data to show the overpopulation. So there are people teaching children do not have children in the future. Jones argues that forced abortion is like murder, and we cannot allow people to kill people at some point of time, otherwise people will change the context and apply to other situations. Jones and Watson also argue from the moral aspect. And Watson thinks the key point is that some people disrespect life.

Parents Petrified to Wait for Daughter's Surgery (Rush Limbaugh's Radio Show)

     This online transcript is from the Rush Limbaugh radio show that aired November 13, 2013.  A woman named Dawn and her husband, both from Chattanooga, Tennessee, called in to the show to make what sounded like the fact claim that in the future they were going to have significant challenges with the health system and their ability to treat their young daughter’s medical problems. The six-year-old girl was born with multiple birth defects that required costly surgery. However although the couple asserted that they have been forced to move forward on complicated procedures they had planned to request at a much later date; in actuality that had not yet happened. Instead they were actually making   value claims based on their perception that Obamacare would cause certain surgeries to be financially unattainable for the child. Although the callers were filled with passion about the subject, the pathos argument appealing to people’s fears of the unknown but did not support its premise with actual factual evidence. At core the claim was also a policy argument because it advocated implicitly that the new health care option orchestrated under Obama’s administration was inherently socialized medicine and should be thwarted by public objection. During the discussion Limbaugh does most of the talking as the show's host, and astutely transitions his speakers and audience into supporting his own conclusion that the system is bad for America. Although Rush sounds authoritative and credible his observations lack transparent sources and substance that can be objectively verified. Instead he uses conjecture and speaks rhetorically of third party complications and government incompetence saying that the “… new game in town, is Leviathan.” The talk show host engages two more callers, a gentleman from Las Vegas and another from Florida: each of these men echo Rush’s opinions, but again without substantive evidence of their assertions. There are no counter-claims and or rebuttals offered during the course of the interviews, which arguably further compromises the perceived credibility of the callers to objective members of the audience.

Youth Participation in Pop Warner Football Has Declined, But Let’s Not Jump to Broad Conclusions Yet

Jason Lisk wrote the article "Youth Participation in Pop Warner Football Has Declined, But Let’s Not Jump to Broad Conclusions Yet" The article is from USA Today Sports sections, which is a very prestigious newspaper, so the ethos of this article is not in question. The author claims that the decline in pop warner football is not based solely on the concussion issue. He claims that the statistics are skewed based on the fact that participation rated have been inclining for years and two years of decline does not show the overall change, also there have been other leagues forming that boast huge numbers. There are a few factual claims scattered throughout the article, mainly the statistics. The article mainly has value claims about the sport, and why the sport popularity is on the decline. The rebuttal to the article is simple, people have just recently been looking at the effects of concussions, and the data that is coming up is very startling, that has to be the reason for the decline in participation.

Alabama Man Won't Serve Prison Time for Raping 14-year-old

This article uses the questionable sentencing of an Alabama rapist to bring to light if the practices of our legal system. The accused, Andrew Clem, is a 25 year old who was accused of raping his neighbor, Courtney Andrews. Even though he was on trial for three accounts of rape, he got off with being charged as a sexual offender and going to a two year program for nonviolent criminals. Although the judge was adamant about his decision, it brings into question our legal system and if it is actually effective. The judge uses fact claims to justify his choice, saying that this would cause the most amount of damage to the rapist. However, the mother of the victim uses value claims to persuade the public against Clem, by stating that it is a crime that he is able to go home to his three daughters since he is an accused sexual offender. Is it worth upholding out democratic judiciary system and letting him off since he has committed such a violent crime?

flame off

Debate about being a single parent 
The lady in the video discloses some benefits of being a single parent, which are always neglected by the public. She uses her own personal experience to proof that being a single mother is not always bad or negative to the children if the home situation has lots of conflict. It could let their children stay away from their arguments or the tension of their instable relationship. Parents are able to concentrate on the children instead of spending all the time on the flight with their partners. Children could also see the a healthy and stable relationship between their separated parents rather than the conflicted two-parent relationship. She claims that a peaceful living atmosphere and harmonious home situation provided to the children is the main factor to bring a pleasure childhood to kids but not the types of family. It is what the public omitted and misunderstood. By telling her personal experience, she wants to make her argument more creditable and trustable so that the audiences can support her ideas and reduce the biases towards being a single parent.

1. However, according to some experts’ surveys, children raised up in single-parent families are more likely to have the lower educational attainment than that of those in both biological parents family. Due to the financial problem, many single parents are complicated to have abundant resources for supporting their kids in their academia. Also, engaging themselves in many part time jobs for maintaining their livelihoods, they get less time to supervise the children’s schoolwork. Many scholars point out that children from single-parenthood are more likely to drop out of the high school, less likely attending the college or graduating from college than that of those from both-parenthood. More worse, many girls from single-parent family, due to their poor sexual knowledge, take sexually active and become the never-married mothers at their younger age. A new generation from single-parent family shows up in the society. Then, such negative phenomena become a destructive cycle in the society.

2. @ angie babie :

Only black women rationalize the breaking up a home to be a "single parent", how about exercising the choice to not pro create with worthless men! Make that choice for once. Out of most my friends, I am the only one to choose not to put myself in a situation to have to parent alone. Get educated and real, my black women!

I see there is a comment specifically points out this is some black women’s problems. They got into such single mother situation since they are under educated. Let’s get to the point here, how many of you really think people falling in love with others or not is matter of how much education they have? You may argue that getting educated would prevent you from falling in love with a certain type of people easily. But this single motherhood is not just problems caused by “worthless men”. a rich, well-educated couple could have this problem too. Maybe because they just don’t love each other. I agree that man/woman should brighten your eyes when choosing a partner. But just don’t bother to say of others with such problem is because they did not have a few A’s in classes.

3. @ vredd 14 :

I think the choice is totally up to the parents. But- I think about it like this: do you want your son or daughter to grow up like this person. Do you want this man to be your son's role model? Do you want your daughter to grow up and find a man like the one you chose? As parents we set the stage for our kids..some model exactly what they see in the home (good or bad). Some do their own thing regardless. Parents should not say for the kids. Its not. They're happy if you are.

I notice that there is a friendly comment about you should maybe your choice base on what influence (good or bad). Your partner would potentially provide to your children. I can completely agree on this point, if your value is driven from your kids. But my point here is, do not rush to your decision on breaking up base on some CURRENT negative factors you are facing, in addition to the consideration above. My dad used to be a perfect husband and father when I was a little kid. But then due to some business and family issues, he changed dramatically to someone really negative – hating the world. Ignoring the duty of the family, fighting with my mom all days, etc. my mother seriously considered of breaking up with him and raising my up by herself. But she didn’t do it right away but gave him a change in time of a few years. Then my dad slowly rebuilt his faith on living and now he is a fine man. Being his kid, I indeed influenced negatively by his weakness over those years, but I also learned a lot of good things from his positive side too. I believe that any man or woman has something good in him/her that no one else has. So try not to rush to the finale decision if he or she is experiencing some negative factors right now. Look at the person, is he/she really doing what he/she usually doing, or just undergoing some downside of life?

4. I also consider that single parenthood could still bring up the positive effect to the children. Many experts claim that the contribution of the children raised by the single parent are not easily down played. Those children’s the authentic need for assistance would be recognized, then thus their work and achievement in the future will make them proud. They would be much more independent and mature than those normal both parenthood family.

5. I absolutely agree what you mentioned while the marriage between parents is healthy and positive, child will probably have a pleasant childhood, vice verse. As a result, becoming a single parent family from a both-parents family is not always bad if the home situation has lots of conflict. It provides the way for children to ease their anxiety once their parents separate and the conflicts stop. Parent, meanwhile, is no long spending time on the fights or argument, he/ she is able to concentrate on the children. For children, they would get a chance to see a good relationship between their separated parents instead of the conflicted two-parent relationship.

Flame Flame Troll Troll Don't Hug Me I'm Scared

This is called "Don't Hug me I'm Scared"

I chose this video because it is a controversial piece about how uses creepy/cute things to describe how the media has construed our sense of creativity and offering up it's own.

This is me (GoodNinjaX17) Initiating a response/ Argument

Please Help me for a class I need to have at least 5 comments for this. Get in an argument with me. 
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You watch the vid at all? 
+WhatFlamFan Yeah I have, does that have to do with the argument?
+GoodNinjaX17 Fck you! Why evn doing your hw on this?
Who was arguing first?
An argument on youtube comments?
That's kinda dumb,
And Just Throwing it out there, I am also WhatFlamFan. Something I used to speed up the process of getting more comments as well as doing a little mini-troll.

This is me now responding to try to get someone to argue with me. It didn't work.
I realize that this video is seen as entertainment to mostly everybody, barely anybody realizes that the video has a hidden deeper meaning behind it. Hope, others can enjoy the video for what it was actually made for.
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Is it that most art is made by pretentious assholes that either want 1. for you to think they are cool or 2. your money ??
Or rather to make a point and entertain because this serves as both purposes. That and the reward for them is that it got people to think about the entertainment business using the entertainment. 
What you're saying seems to imply that having a deeper meaning and being visually entertaining are mutually exclusive, which is simply not true.
Bless you. 

The reason I made a whole new account is to show how uncivilized anything on the internet is misused and/or uncivilized. Any argument made can be "brushed" off or used to boast the claim made, if any. 

So there really wasn't much of a dispute, I simply made a generalized observation that is relevant to the topic of flaming/trolling. Most debates in the thread for this as to whether or not this video is meant to portray media in a darker fashion. 

Flame Off

My topic is "the corporal punishment." So I found a youtube video about corporal punishment in Korea. The video shows harsh corporal punishment that is not different with violent. So The most people blame on the teachers and the rule of Korean school. My opinion is disagree with the corporal punishment, but I wrote my comments that I think the corporal punishment is not just bad. And I wrote the corporal punishment is proper education method.  One person who named June Ragina replied to me that my thought is not right.

Life Without Father: What Happens to the Children. By Sara McLanahan, Dona Schwartz

  In the research, the authors claim that three general factors account for the harms associated with father absence such as economic deprivation, poor parenting for the children and lacking of social support for the single-mother families. Also, alcoholism and dropping out of school in early age are some poor facts found in father absent family easily.  Lastly, she suggests that maintaining a cooperative relationship after divorce is the responsibility of both parents. They need to provide a stable financial situation and peaceful living atmosphere to children. Besides, government have to change the social policy to encourage marriage, and introduce the child support enforcement in order to help improve the worrisome situation of these families. The authors offer many realistic examples to show the harmful effects came from the single parenthood, and some effectives solutions suggested to the general public, rather than only giving their opinions on this social problem. It makes the research more reliable and objective but leaves a space for readers to develop their point of view. In addiction, including the abundant statistic data, realistic examples and experts’ researches is beneficial to make the information provided more trustable and strengthen their point of view.

Flame off

This video was uploaded almost one year ago before the American presidential election, and I was deeply impressed at that time. Its claim is to persuade people to support same-sex marriage, or gay men would have to marry their girlfriends, since gay men are really better than straight in some aspects, such as having better fashion taste, having a better body, and being more considerate to girls. Some people believed this video was hilariously brilliant and got persuaded since it stated some facts about gay men, even though it is a little overstated. On the other hand, someone questioned that gay men are not as good as they stated in the video, and even some people commented with a hate towards homosexual.

the claim of this video is clear, to persuade people to support gay marriage. the reason is that since gay men can do better in some aspects, they may be good option for a girl to get married if the girl doesn't know he is a gay. although it is a little exaggerated, and we all know that not all gay men can reach the level stated in this video. but in some cases, gay men are more considerate and more attracting to girls. if a gay man cannot get married with who he wants, he may choose to hide himself and marry a girl, and thus this girl may get hurt when she knows the truth. so maybe it is better to let gay men be themselves, and choose who ans what they really want.

This. MUST. Be played on TV. The LGBT community needs to adopt this ad as their own. It is too hilariously brilliant, and honestly too ACCURATE. (To clarify: I know not all gay men act as effeminate as they are being portrayed here. However, it probably would be this easy for gay men to pick up chicks, since women seem to be inexplicably drawn to gay or gay-appearing men.)
Yes, some gay men are really attracting and manliness. If they have to hide their sexual-orientation, girls may prefer to get married with a more considerate man, and unfortunately, that may be a gay

What are you going to impress her with you're purse? And let her fight the robber?
not all gay men are effeminate. they can be manliness. some straight can also be coward. it is about personality, and cannot be concluded to a group.

do you honestly think a woman would want a gay man?
the point is that girls may don't know the man they are dating are gay. I mean if gay men don't come out honestly, who can tell the difference between straight and gay? except for those act really effeminate

I already support gay marriage but this video made me support it so much more
yes this video emphasized some aspects that gay do better. although it is overstated but true