Thursday, November 14, 2013

Life Without Father: What Happens to the Children. By Sara McLanahan, Dona Schwartz

  In the research, the authors claim that three general factors account for the harms associated with father absence such as economic deprivation, poor parenting for the children and lacking of social support for the single-mother families. Also, alcoholism and dropping out of school in early age are some poor facts found in father absent family easily.  Lastly, she suggests that maintaining a cooperative relationship after divorce is the responsibility of both parents. They need to provide a stable financial situation and peaceful living atmosphere to children. Besides, government have to change the social policy to encourage marriage, and introduce the child support enforcement in order to help improve the worrisome situation of these families. The authors offer many realistic examples to show the harmful effects came from the single parenthood, and some effectives solutions suggested to the general public, rather than only giving their opinions on this social problem. It makes the research more reliable and objective but leaves a space for readers to develop their point of view. In addiction, including the abundant statistic data, realistic examples and experts’ researches is beneficial to make the information provided more trustable and strengthen their point of view.

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