Thursday, November 14, 2013

Alabama Man Won't Serve Prison Time for Raping 14-year-old

This article uses the questionable sentencing of an Alabama rapist to bring to light if the practices of our legal system. The accused, Andrew Clem, is a 25 year old who was accused of raping his neighbor, Courtney Andrews. Even though he was on trial for three accounts of rape, he got off with being charged as a sexual offender and going to a two year program for nonviolent criminals. Although the judge was adamant about his decision, it brings into question our legal system and if it is actually effective. The judge uses fact claims to justify his choice, saying that this would cause the most amount of damage to the rapist. However, the mother of the victim uses value claims to persuade the public against Clem, by stating that it is a crime that he is able to go home to his three daughters since he is an accused sexual offender. Is it worth upholding out democratic judiciary system and letting him off since he has committed such a violent crime?

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