Thursday, November 14, 2013


In the movie Unbreakable the main villain Elijah reveals at the end that his purpose in life is to become a villain, much like the ones he been reading about in comic books his whole life. His claim is made as he reveals that he responsible for the historic tragedies of the city as he searched for the exact of who he was. His claim that he was a villain was supported on the grounds that his exact throughout the movie was shown to have a supernatural ability to help people. Elijah has a disease that makes his bones especially brittle and easy to break, his counterpoint, the hero,  seems unable to get hurt. As Elijah says, "Now that I know who you are, I know who I am." Another ground for his claim is the parallel Elijah draws between his life and the lives of comic book heroes, saying that heroes and villains are, "often friends like you and me." As David walks away, realizing his friend throughout most of the film, is in fact a mentally ill man, the warrant starts to fall apart. The warrant that is necessary in this claim is that the world of comic books can be extrapolated to real life, and the lessons learned in those pages can be applied to the greater world.

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