Thursday, November 14, 2013

Obama Dares Insurance Companies to Put Up or Shut Up

With this Obamacare law coming into affect there feels like a lot of loose ends and everything about the plan being very scattered. One main issue focused on right now is the fact of all these people being dropped by their insurance companies as the policies do not fit the ACA regulations. The President has come out with a plan to allow these insurance companies to take people back on the inadequate plans as long as they are not new customers.
Kevin Drum throws in his two cents on how he sees this policy claim by the White House. Which his rebuttal is that this plan is not actually a policy claim since it really is doing nothing to fix the problem of these cancelled policies. He puts this on the grounds and warrants of the insurance companies knew about the law and used it as a way to entice selling of new policies that would not fit the ACA because they knew they could drop people as it rolled out without taking blame and placing blame on Obamacare. Drum is basically saying the White House has nothing to fix since it was something in play by the insurance companies all along.  He throws in his own form on qualifier at the end by stating this is speculation yet he does make a decent argument.

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