Thursday, November 14, 2013

Flame Flame Troll Troll Don't Hug Me I'm Scared

This is called "Don't Hug me I'm Scared"

I chose this video because it is a controversial piece about how uses creepy/cute things to describe how the media has construed our sense of creativity and offering up it's own.

This is me (GoodNinjaX17) Initiating a response/ Argument

Please Help me for a class I need to have at least 5 comments for this. Get in an argument with me. 
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You watch the vid at all? 
+WhatFlamFan Yeah I have, does that have to do with the argument?
+GoodNinjaX17 Fck you! Why evn doing your hw on this?
Who was arguing first?
An argument on youtube comments?
That's kinda dumb,
And Just Throwing it out there, I am also WhatFlamFan. Something I used to speed up the process of getting more comments as well as doing a little mini-troll.

This is me now responding to try to get someone to argue with me. It didn't work.
I realize that this video is seen as entertainment to mostly everybody, barely anybody realizes that the video has a hidden deeper meaning behind it. Hope, others can enjoy the video for what it was actually made for.
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Is it that most art is made by pretentious assholes that either want 1. for you to think they are cool or 2. your money ??
Or rather to make a point and entertain because this serves as both purposes. That and the reward for them is that it got people to think about the entertainment business using the entertainment. 
What you're saying seems to imply that having a deeper meaning and being visually entertaining are mutually exclusive, which is simply not true.
Bless you. 

The reason I made a whole new account is to show how uncivilized anything on the internet is misused and/or uncivilized. Any argument made can be "brushed" off or used to boast the claim made, if any. 

So there really wasn't much of a dispute, I simply made a generalized observation that is relevant to the topic of flaming/trolling. Most debates in the thread for this as to whether or not this video is meant to portray media in a darker fashion. 

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