Thursday, September 26, 2013

I have heard about this drug, on television and in an ethics class. This drug, Krokodil, is basically just killing yourself and feeling good while doing (like most abused drugs I should say). It isn't hard to say as to whether or not someone who is going to start up on the drug is making a death wish, because that essentially what it is. Just because it is a cheap way to get high, doesn't mean that it should be done at all. Looking at the photos of the users, this stuff seems like it would never in a million years be worth it.
Originating in Russia, but now seeing that it has made it to the US, it seems as though many are willing to take those risks to save some money, not experience life to its fullest-but instead self-serving escape. And by escape I mean in multiple ways, everyday stresses, and life in general.  

Wresting back in 2020 Olympics, NASCAR still out
As I'm sure all of you are aware, wrestling is back in the Olympics (1). However, the favorite pastime of both America and the other part of the world (Historians call it "Not America") is still not an official Olympic event. I've heard some people say that the Olympic games are abut things like sportsmanship and taking the human body to its limit, but my television screen has convinced me that it is actually about advertising. To this end, NASCAR is the perfect Olympic event, as it is the most watched sport in America, and I'm sure it is popular in Not America as well. It is also a huge advertising opportunity that wrestling simply cannot hope to match (at least until the committee finally reads my letters and forces competitors to wear coca cola brand singlets). In addition, this accredited source suggests that sales of the feminine product Vagisil are actually directly related to NASCAR viewership (2). Finally, the astute observer may notice that while the games have a large following in the Stadium and in living rooms across the world, they lack a profitable tailgating community, something NASCAR is known for. Beer sales alone would be astronomical. Now, I'm not saying they should cut wrestling to get NASCAR in, unless the only other choice is Speedwalking, in which case definitely do it.


Four Fox Lies About Seniors' Obamacare Coverage

Amy Frederick of the anti-Obamacare group 60+ Association was on Fox and Friends, and had a lot to say negatively, while including tons of false information. The opinion presented is claiming that Obamacare is "sticking it to the seniors". This is incorrect in many ways. According to Kaiser Health News, elders are receiving many more benefits under the health care law. ACA also offers free preventive care to Seniors, who don't need to hold off on care because of costs. Also, over 6.1 billion was saved on prescription drugs since the Affordable Care Act was installed. Basically the claim that the medicare budget was cut is incorrect, but rather that increased spending is increasing at a lower rate over a 10 year span. This entire interview was infested with falsified facts and exaggerated claims. Each statement made in this interview was refuted factually throughout this article. The author does a fantastic job of refuting each stage of dialogue with an organized and structural approach.
Sean Anisi

No, the Navy Yard Mass Shooter Did Not Target a "Gun-Free Zone"

This article looks to debunk the proposal that mass shootings are targeted towards places where guns are not allowed, looking specifically at the Navy Yard shooting. The conservative viewpoint on this issue displays that the shooter, Aaron Alexis, chose this specific venue since guns are not allowed on the grounds and he knew that he could get away with it. Information has since surfaced providing that this viewpoint could be wrong, using evidence regarding Alexis' mental state now and at the time of the attack. Alexis suffers from severe mental illness and this shooting was not done as an attempt to brutally murder and get away with it, since there is a lack of guns on the property. It was meant as a suicide mission, meaning that his intent was to be killed in the line of fire due to his mental illness. There is video footage displaying his demeanor and stealth like movement at the time of the attack. This article insinuates that due to his reviewed mental state and the way he was creeping around the premises, there would be little evidence to support the claim that he meant to target a place with no guns, simply to massacre a plethora of people.

First Cases of Flesh-Eating Drug Krokodil Surface in US

Today, Fox News dropped a devastating story detailing the first two reported cases of Krokodil use in the country. Doctors in Arizona who are treating the cases explain that while the drug has shown up in a big way in other parts of the world, such as Russia, it is still relatively new and unknown here in the US. The drug, composed of substances such as codeine, paint thinner, gasoline, oil, and alcohol, is mixed together and shot up into users veins and even directly into the skin to produce morphine or heroin like effects for a fraction of the cost. Krokodil get's its street name, "Crocodile" from from the green, scaly appearance that breaks out across the skin at the injection site. Krokodil first emerged in Russia around the year 2002 and has since began to spread into the underworlds throughout the global community. Due to the danger and intensity of the drug, doctors doubt that it will gain an incredible amount of popularity in the US. There is fear, however, that the most extreme addicts within our country, particularly heroin addicts, may try the drug to to it's similarity to heroin and cheaper price point. Here's to hoping we can stop the outbreak of this incredibly dangerous drug before it starts.

For more, read here: First Cases of Flesh-Eating Drug Krokodil Surface in US

Qatar Slavery (PBS)

This article is about a recent investigation in Qatar over the deaths of dozens of Nepalese workers. These migrating workers account for about 40 percent of Qatar's workforce. The laborers were working on a massive infrastructure project in preparation for the 2022 FIFA World Cup that is to be hosted in Qatar. According to the Nepalese embassy, "44 workers have died between June 4 and Aug. 8 with most of them dying of heart attacks, heart failure, or workplace accidents." The investigations sprouted accusations of lack of pay, long work hours in the desert heat without food, drink and rest, and physical abuse. The theory is that Qatar can not afford to pay the labor since they have blown all capital to build the new futbol super dome. But if these accusations turn out to be a reality, it is most likely that Qatar will most likely lose their bid to host the world cup anyways. 

America's Nuke Plants Are in Trouble

The article 'America's Nuke Plants Are in Trouble' by Stackpole claims the fact that nuclear power plants in the United States are facing serious industry crisis. A few plants in the America have been shut down rather recently. The articles gives three major reasons of the streak of plant closures. Firstly, regulation: people has experienced nuclear accident in the America. Therefore, people take extreme caution when considering power plant construction. More than half of the future nuclear plans that were proposed have been put on hold or canceled., court blocked new permits and many on going projects are experiencing delay or cost overruns. Secondly, expensive upgrade: the industry rather keeping old reactors and extending their lives than building new reactors due to too high of budget requirement. But most nuke plants in the U.S. are in their senium. Thirdly, cheap natural gas: the price of natural gas going down recently really makes the nuclear power industry lose their economic favor. The simple fact is that electricity from nuke has become too expensive. After listing the disadvantages of nuclear plants and the reasons causing it, Stackpole says that the reactors mothballed are actually less than people predicted. And there is still hope to this industry as a new project of making a new kind of nuclear reactor that fueled by nuclear waste has been proposed and under further determination.
Nuclear power plant is one of the most important renewable energy of the United States. Even the industry is facing difficulties, I don't believe it going to its end anytime soon. Stackpole tells us that there were four closures this year but there are still few dozens of plants in the America and most of them are running fine. As long as the safety issues are settled and waste are proper deal with, nuclear energy should has its advantage over other natural resources since they will be ran out one day in future. Besides, as technologies developing rapidly every day, nuclear power industry should find a economic-sufficient way to survive.