Thursday, September 26, 2013

Four Fox Lies About Seniors' Obamacare Coverage

Amy Frederick of the anti-Obamacare group 60+ Association was on Fox and Friends, and had a lot to say negatively, while including tons of false information. The opinion presented is claiming that Obamacare is "sticking it to the seniors". This is incorrect in many ways. According to Kaiser Health News, elders are receiving many more benefits under the health care law. ACA also offers free preventive care to Seniors, who don't need to hold off on care because of costs. Also, over 6.1 billion was saved on prescription drugs since the Affordable Care Act was installed. Basically the claim that the medicare budget was cut is incorrect, but rather that increased spending is increasing at a lower rate over a 10 year span. This entire interview was infested with falsified facts and exaggerated claims. Each statement made in this interview was refuted factually throughout this article. The author does a fantastic job of refuting each stage of dialogue with an organized and structural approach.
Sean Anisi

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