Thursday, September 26, 2013

Qatar Slavery (PBS)

This article is about a recent investigation in Qatar over the deaths of dozens of Nepalese workers. These migrating workers account for about 40 percent of Qatar's workforce. The laborers were working on a massive infrastructure project in preparation for the 2022 FIFA World Cup that is to be hosted in Qatar. According to the Nepalese embassy, "44 workers have died between June 4 and Aug. 8 with most of them dying of heart attacks, heart failure, or workplace accidents." The investigations sprouted accusations of lack of pay, long work hours in the desert heat without food, drink and rest, and physical abuse. The theory is that Qatar can not afford to pay the labor since they have blown all capital to build the new futbol super dome. But if these accusations turn out to be a reality, it is most likely that Qatar will most likely lose their bid to host the world cup anyways. 

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