Thursday, September 26, 2013

I have heard about this drug, on television and in an ethics class. This drug, Krokodil, is basically just killing yourself and feeling good while doing (like most abused drugs I should say). It isn't hard to say as to whether or not someone who is going to start up on the drug is making a death wish, because that essentially what it is. Just because it is a cheap way to get high, doesn't mean that it should be done at all. Looking at the photos of the users, this stuff seems like it would never in a million years be worth it.
Originating in Russia, but now seeing that it has made it to the US, it seems as though many are willing to take those risks to save some money, not experience life to its fullest-but instead self-serving escape. And by escape I mean in multiple ways, everyday stresses, and life in general.  

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