Thursday, November 14, 2013

Flame Off - You Tube Video: “Michael Moore Loses Gun Control Debate Hard”

For the Flame Off assignment, I followed the You Tube video from Bill Maher's HBO show:

A couple of the panelists include Maher, film director and social critic Michael Moore, actor/comedian Zack Galifinakis and S.E. Cupp who is the host of the MSNBC show "The Cycle" who also is a gun advocate.  I chose this video as there were a large number of comments and some heated comments including name calling, insulting, etc.  This was the first time I've ever commented on videos like this in a public forum and I felt somewhat uncomfortable.   I originally changed my name to be "Michelle Argument" but saw it changed my name in this blog so switched it back to my official name.  The show centered around the gun control debate with the majority of the panelist on the side of gun control.  The debate ended up being tense between S.E. Cupp and Michael Moore.  Moore believes we should have a gun registry and Cupp believing a registry is assuming people are guilty before being proved innocent.  Moore used the Musket argument stating the 2nd Amendment is outdated and really everyone should just get a dog to protect themselves.  I made a couple independent posts about my opinion and replied to a couple other posts.  My posts and responses to posts included the following:
this red-headed bitch is love women but,sometimes they just turn me into a raging chauvinist just by the things they sayExpand this comment »Collapse this comment
Capois...this is not a female vs. male debate.  Making blanket statements based upon the opinions of this ONE woman will not help the debate.  I've heard ridiculous comments made in my life by both men and women.
Michelle Argument
Gun ownership in the US is still a 2nd Amendment right...plain and simple. As horrific those mass shootings were, the shooters had forms of mental illness and I believe they would have found other means of killing with or without a gun.  I'd much rather see Michael Moore do a documentary on mental illness in the US and funding/research/education around early detection and how best to treat vs. blaming everything on the gun itself.
Michael Collins
She seems to be arguing that it is an abuse of power for the government to check your background before issuing a potentially deadly weapon because it suggests you may have criminal intent.  Why is this so unacceptable? Would she therefore also argue that schools cannot check the background of a member of staff because it implies they may be sex offenders or otherwise dangerous to children? Or that Police cannot check your car insurance because it implies to you might not have any?
Michelle Argument
As a person on the pro-2nd Amendment side, I have to agree with you on this.  There should still be some form of checks and balances even though I believe more of the focus on this debate should be focused on the mental health side of it. 

 Michelle Argument
As much as I adore my two dogs...there is no way they will protect me against an intruder/armed person.  They may bark to alert me but that's about it.  God forbid the intruder tries to rub their bellies or offer a treat, then I will REALLY be unarmed!  I personally would not feel comfortable owning or using a gun but that is my right to decide.  That right should not be taken away from other people as everybody's situation is different.  It's not the weapon but rather the person behind the weapon and their intentions.

More people die from heart disease than mass shootings, assault riffles, or a gun with an extended clip combined. Yet you don't see anybody saying we need to get rid of fast food.
Michelle Argument
True!!!  But I have to believe that will be next.  Not to turn the gun debate into a "slippery slope" argument...but yes, there are now so many regulations around food/calorie counts, fast food, etc. but's a CHOICE!  If I have decided to buy some Twinkies and get crazy, gain some lbs...that's my fault.  No one else, no matter how much advertising is out there to try and entice me to buy their product.  So often people want to blame other people/ things for our own choices.
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