Thursday, October 10, 2013

6 Reasons We Share Too Much Online, According to Behavioral Scientists

I read an article called "6 Reasons We Share Too Much Online, According to Behavioral Scientist." It makes a value claim that there are 6 reasons to explain why people share too much online from a behavior perspective.

The author uses the quotes from Facebook founder Mark  Zuckerberg and former Google CEO Eric Schmidt at the start of his article. Their words tell the current situation that "people share too much online" to the audience. Here, because both Zuckerberg and Schmidt are experts in social media and internet communication, this using of ethos helps to build the credibility of the author at the beginning. Then the author provides a fact claim that only few internet users try to keep away from being tracked. The explanation of a behavior scientist gives one reason that people do not care much because people do not know much about how data is used by others. And the behavior economist answers this from the information asymmetry perspective. After that, the author gives the main value claim that this phenomenon occurs because people’s bounded rationality on privacy matters.

The first evidence is that according to a research, people who started with more privacy valued it much more than those who started with less. The second reason is people get used to accept the default privacy settings. Thirdly, based on study, people tend to share more when they feel they have the capability to control the way of sharing. In the fourth, fifth and sixth reasons, the author argues further. Every reason is a small value claim  and the author uses the research results to convince the audience.

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