Thursday, October 10, 2013

Government Shut Down, Libertarians Still Angry
Ted Dehaven from the Cato institute presents a libertarian's view on the government shutdown in this article. Traditionally, the libertarian viewpoint has been that the government should restrict itself to only national defense and the security of the populace. Now that government has effectively been restricted to defense and security, libertarians are understandably upset. Disdain was expressed specifically for the NSA's monitoring activities, which is understandable, and also for military expenditure, which is less understandable.  He is rather unexcited about the national parks shutdowns, which seems like exactly the sort of frivolous spending that Ronald "McDonald" Reagan, first prophet of libertarianism and founder of McDonald's, the cornerstone of capitalism, would abhor (according to them). On the other side of the political spectrum, there has been a mass outcry from liberals bemoaning their fate. According to one of the least informed ones, "Weed is finally legal but I can't smoke it in my favorite National Park." Truly it is a classic catch-22 for the disenfranchised privileged college students. Finally, and possibly most importantly, in the article, Dehaven claims that Libertarians are most upset becausewhile the government shutdown should lower the budget expenditure, it is not likely to make any lasting impact on the National debt, and the Debt ceiling will likely be raised anyways.
If you had plans to visit Yellowstone National Park, you’re out of luck until the government reopens. However, the NSA will continue to track our private conversations, the military will continue to expend blood and treasure protecting the interests of wealthy allies, and the federal entitlement system that’s the source of our future fiscal imbalances will continue to pump out the checks.
If you had plans to visit Yellowstone National Park, you’re out of luck until the government reopens. However, the NSA will continue to track our private conversations, the military will continue to expend blood and treasure protecting the interests of wealthy allies, and the federal entitlement system that’s the source of our future fiscal imbalances will continue to pump out the checks.
If you had plans to visit Yellowstone National Park, you’re out of luck until the government reopens. However, the NSA will continue to track our private conversations, the military will continue to expend blood and treasure protecting the interests of wealthy allies, and the federal entitlement system that’s the source of our future fiscal imbalances will continue to pump out the checks.
If you had plans to visit Yellowstone National Park, you’re out of luck until the government reopens. However, the NSA will continue to track our private conversations, the military will continue to expend blood and treasure protecting the interests of wealthy allies, and the federal entitlement system that’s the source of our future fiscal imbalances will continue to pump out the checks.
If you had plans to visit Yellowstone National Park, you’re out of luck until the government reopens. However, the NSA will continue to track our private conversations, the military will continue to expend blood and treasure protecting the interests of wealthy allies, and the federal entitlement system that’s the source of our future fiscal imbalances will continue to pump out the checks.
If you had plans to visit Yellowstone National Park, you’re out of luck until the government reopens. However, the NSA will continue to track our private conversations, the military will continue to expend blood and treasure protecting the interests of wealthy allies, and the federal entitlement system that’s the source of our future fiscal imbalances will continue to pump out the checks.

If you had plans to visit Yellowstone National Park, you’re out of luck until the government reopens. However, the NSA will continue to track our private conversations, the military will continue to expend blood and treasure protecting the interests of wealthy allies, and the federal entitlement system that’s the source of our future fiscal imbalances will continue to pump out the checks.

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