Tuesday, September 17, 2013

EXCLUSIVE: Navy Yard gunman earned glowing evaluations during time as reservist

The article I read is about the tragedy happened yesterday - Aaron Alexis who was a Navy reservist killed 12 people at a military facility in Washington.
This article wrote by Justin Fishel from Fox News claims that Aaron Alexis earned glowing evaluations during his service time, which can be an important reason driving him to this murder.

According to Fox News, during 2007 to 2011, Aaron Alexis was described as an “eager trainee” who had “unlimited potential” and “get it done attitude”. However, he also had more than one arrest records which are in sharp contrast to these rave reviews. In Navy’s final evaluation of Aaron Alexis, he was evaluated as “a valuable asset to any civilian organization”. He was also reported as a “talented technician” and a “must promote” man. But these do not mean he was a perfect reservist in fact. According to his arrested records, he was arrested in 2004 because of shooting out tires of a car but he was not prosecuted and in 2010 he shot his neighbor but prosecutors “declined to pursue the case”. Both of these incidents have no effect on his evaluations. In 2008, he would be arrested for disorderly conduct, but he was still praised as a “proven technician” in his next review. In 2009, he got his first negative review and was arrested. But very soon, Alexis appealed and reinstated his rank. The last review from the U.S. Navy served as a reference was actually very irresponsible for employers because in that evaluation, Alexis was still described as a man “who possesses the potential to achieve great things”.

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