Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Painkillers prescribed new labels by FDA

Reading this through PBS lead me to the FDA page telling about their plans to change labeling for opioids, or long-release pain killers.  These prescription drugs alter the way the brain 'feels' and perceives the pain while coming in many forms from pills to skin patches. Even at the recommended doses there are many indications of addiction, overdosing and death. After reviewing medical reports and gathering information from experts to patients the FDA has decided to require new label wording and actions to help doctors and patients make the right choice. New word choices focus on using the drug only when needed for round-the-clock pain relief when no other less addictive treatment cannot be used  while highlighting at these should not be used as needed like over the counter medications. The FDA's goal and main argument is with these actions they can tackle the overdosing issues while making the doctors and consumer more aware of the true use of these drugs.

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