Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Traffic Shutdown? Truck drivers plan 3-day protest on Capital Beltway

The article that I read claims that the truckers in Truckers Ride for the Constitution try to block three lanes of the Capital Beltway to demonstrate their dissatisfaction of the United States government. According to Earl Conlon, who claims to be the spokesman of this group, the group wants the arrest of congressmen who have violated their oath of office. As grounds for this claim, the drivers complain about wages, high gas prices, and the regulations of federal government on their industries. Conlon says that the truckers will stop their vehicles on the road and block three lanes of the Capital Beltway if police distracts their protest. However, it is interesting that the rebuttal for Conlon’s claim is appeared from the same group. Greg Ellis, the supporter of this protest, claims that Conlon’s claim is nothing to do with the original plan of the group. He claims that “nobody is going to try to affect an arrest on congressmen or anything like that,” and emphasizes that their plan is peaceful. Also, FoxNews.com clarifies the purpose of the event by using Peter Santilli’s value claim; “President Obama must be removed from office for crimes against the United States and all unconstitutional executive orders nullified […] how that is accomplished legally is for legal and constitutional experts to determine.”

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