Wednesday, October 9, 2013

You're gonna like this guy, he's a goodfella.

In the movie "Goodfellas" the main character played by Ray Liotta claims that "murderers come with smiles, they come as your friends." This claim is based on two grounds. The first is this narration comes as one of the characters named Tommy is preparing for a ceremony in which he becomes a full-fledged member of the crime family. He is greeted by his friends who welcome him with open arms and act like they are proud of his accomplishments. The second ground comes when those same people who pretended to be his best friends shoot him in the back of the head. The warrant here is that when people come to congratulate you with open arms, they are your friends, and this friendship ceases when they shoot you in the back of the head. Thus, the claim that murderers come as friend is shown through one of the main characters deeply trusting a fellow crime family member only to be murdered.

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