Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Dad where are we going

There is a very hot TV program in Asia area called Dad, Where Are We Going.  I watched it last Friday and I really recommend it.
The main purpose of this TV show is encouraging fathers pay more attention to take care of their kids. So I think the claim it is making is dads should learn more about how to get along with their children and educate them.
This TV show invited 5 famous people in China, including a movie director, a racer, an Olympic champion, an actor and a model. They spend several days with their sons and daughters in some places such as a small village or a desert where are very far from moms.
In this shows, dads have to deal with different situations. Sometimes the kids cry loudly for not seeing their moms and sometimes dad needs to cook for their children by themselves. I think the director of this program is really smart. For example, when the kids are crying and yelling “mammy”, he makes the video camera focusing on the faces of dads. The helpless and impatient faces tell the audience they can’t hold their kids as moms and behind this, they need to spend more time with their kids. As we learned in the class, “visual” should serve the major points and I think this show does it.

At the end of the show every week, dads talk about their feelings about those days they spend with their kids. The main points are learning how to take care of their children, spending more time with them and educating their kids to be more independent. Because all dads are pretty popular in China, what they say can make a big influence to the audience. And this where I think is the second smart point of this show. 

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ObtQlwFL2R0

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