Friday, November 1, 2013

"Internal notes indicate only 6 people signed up for ObamaCare on first day"

Obamacare is a present controversy topic, this article implies that in the internal notes, it shows only 6 people signed up for Obama Care on the first day. At the top of the page, a video talk about many details about the reason and some possibility about why there are only 6 people signed up for ObamaCare on the first day. In the article, firstly shows us Ed Henry told Megyn Kelly on " The Kelly File" that the documents, released by committee Chairman Rep. Darrell Issa, are not official enrollment numbers, but say that as of the morning of Oct. 2, " six enrollments have occurred so far with five different issuers." The article also implies that they said that at the next meeting, on the afternoon of Oct. 2, approximately 100 people had signed up and 248 enrollments had occurred by the morning of Oct. 3. I think the important thing is an HHS spokesman told Fox News the documents "appear to be notes," and do not include official enrollment statistics. "As the secretary said before Congress, we are focused on providing reliable and accurate information and we do not have that at this time due to the issues with 834 forms," Joanne Peters said. "We have always anticipated that the pace of enrollment will increase throughout the enrollment period." It's like the form which is because X, so Y is truth. Because it's the Obamacare, so the number of enrollment will increase.
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