Sunday, September 15, 2013

Michelle Carries Water for Big Soda -- Rush Limbaugh Transcript

I read a recent transcript The Rush Limbaugh show originally aired September 13, 2013.  The discussion centered round the First Lady, Michelle Obama, and her recent “Drink Up” campaign to have American’s drink more water as a means to improve overall health.  Mr. Limbaugh criticizes the First Lady’s initiative by questioning why as Americans we should be focused on this type of initiative with all the issues in the U.S. and throughout the world.  He compares a gallon of bottled water to a gallon of gasoline and states the bottled water is higher in price, however takes little work for the bottled water companies to acquire the water vs. those in the oil business obtaining gasoline. 

Limbaugh questions the argument on the benefits of drinking more water by citing Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, a kidney specialist from the University of Pennsylvania.  Goldfarb states, “There really isn’t data to support this…they’re not basing this on really hard science…to make it a major public health effort…it’s bizarre.”   Goldfarb was skeptical around this initiative pointing to the diet industry and the bottled water companies as the ultimate force behind it. 

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