Sunday, September 15, 2013

"Colorado braces for more heavy rain, devastating floods"

I read the article on about the flooding in Colorado.  According to this article, there are four people who have found dead so far, and 500 more who have not been found.  The people of some towns in Colorado are being told that it would be in their best interest to evacuate their homes, but are not being forced.  The residents were informed that if they did not evacuate, they might not get a chance for awhile.

The article states that the rain stopped on Saturday, but was looking like there would be a half inch to two more inches on Sunday.  President Obama has declared the flooding as a disaster and is working on getting federal aid for Colorado.  Currently, the aid will be available to affected people in Boulder County, and that more counties could also get aid later.

The article states that the floods started on Wednesday, and according to National Guard Lt. James Goff, "by Saturday night, 1,750 people and 300 pets had been evacuated from Boulder and Larimer County".  The article also says that there are "helicopters and truck convoys of the National Guard" that are working on getting people rescued and evacuated from their homes.  Authorities are expecting for more reports of missing people and fatalities in the days to come.

Hopefully the people of Colorado will be able to get enough help and support to start rebuilding or fixing their homes and their lives as the flood dries out.

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