Thursday, September 12, 2013

Yahoo CEO fears defying NSA could mean prison

As the article from Fox News has surfaced that starts out about Marissa Mayer being quoted about the feared winding up in prison for treason if she refused to comply with US spy demands for data. In an onstage interview her at the TechCrunch Disrupt conference in San Francisco about  Yahoo doing what they can to protect the privacy of their users and the validity of demands for data collecting. Marissa Mayer's fear about the arrest and detention is unfounded, maybe she is playing it safe, maybe she is not fully educated on violation of NSA directives. Intrusion of individual privacy is in itself an abhorrent practice, it has been rendered doubly potent by the collusion of these new-age Internet businesses. Instead of standing up for user rights, these companies have ratted on its user activities. Amazon, Apple, BlackBerry, Dell, eBay, Facebook, Google, HP, HTC, IBM, Lenovo, Microsoft, Samsung, Sony, Twitter and any other technology firm that you want to mention is equally at the whim of the NSA and other US government organizations.
And she certainly has enough access to skilled corporate lawyers to know that the mass collection of data is UnConstitutional and if she challenged it in court and took it to the SCOTUS she would almost certainly win and also deliver a big win from this government tyranny for the American people. But neither she nor any other of these execs wanted that- they just want to cry crocodile tears now that their complicity has been exposed.
Lastly, the only way we "Constitutionally Protected Rights" are going to be protected is if we who "Formerly Served In The Armed Forces", become this regime's worst nightmare. Which is exactly why they're coming after us. When this speech becomes illegal, I'll become a criminal: "I may become an enemy of the state, but never of the people". Remember this: "Always aim just below the blue helmet. No matter what color it is."

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