Thursday, September 12, 2013

Yahoo CEO fears defying NSA could mean prison

Here we have an article from Fox News that starts out about Marissa Mayer being quoted about threats of treason. It goes on to interview her about Yahoo doing what they can to protect the privacy of its users and the validity of demands for data collecting. Although it seems to have gotten to the point where there isn't much more they can do and refusal to the demands results in being reprimanded in serious ways.  NSA demands and consequents are not allowed to be spoken of by Mayer. Yahoo, along with Facebook, Google, and Microsoft have been doing what they can to inform, warn and protect their users from the NSA tracking every little thing. Very quickly this article moves on the NSA its self and how over the past few years have broken their own rules about privacy laws.  They have gone through citizens phone and internet records that have no suspected links to terrorism.  Fox has a few arguments to make in this piece starting with it not being right for the NSA to come in and demand compliance or penalty without just cause. Second, it is not right for the NSA to peek into the privacy of everyday lives without court order and substation evidence of needing to do so. Lastly if the NSA is doing this and collecting all this data how long will it be before they can't contain information they are gathering and can no longer protect the average person or business. 

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