Thursday, September 12, 2013

"Couple Thoughtfully Puts Up Wedding Website For Friends To Mock" By S,33837/

     This article is from "The Onion", a fake news network. In this article we see a screen-shot of a photo that can be seen on a wedding website created by a thoughtful couple for their friends to enjoy. Although, the friends seem to be enjoying it in a manner unintended by the couple; which is a problem with making a website in a public domain. I believe making a website also brings in the eyes of people who will troll the couple as well as ignite conversations with the couples actual friends. A whole can of of uncanny comments would erupt in the first place with making the couples wedding more open than it should be.

Another thing about this article is that it makes sort of an overly exaggerated mockery of couples who do like to involve their close personal friends to one of their biggest decisions ever. I personally feel like they could have made a document or a well polished presentations only their friends can access.

I know this is just a fake news network but what it reflects is true some people really do make fun of some of the things people do to get their friends involved in their marriage.  

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