Thursday, September 12, 2013

Sports Illustrated Exclusive: College Students Smoke Pot by Tim Murphy

With recent development in the area  of athletes and the use of marijuana, many opinions are emerging as to how it may be dealt with. Many are opponents of the drug, noting its negative effects. This specific article, written by Tim Murphy is not necessarily encouraging the use of pot for athletes, but its an attempt to put things in perspective. Many former athletes have come out and admitted to either the use of marijuana, or the witness of drug use, specifically the Oklahoma State Football team,who actually experienced success during a period of increased drug use . Of course the use of marijuana is illegal in 48 states, Tim notes that the performance has never been affected, and comments by saying “And unlike, say, football, no one who uses it is going to die as a result. You’d never know it from reading the sports pages”. It is a critique of sports reporting, and how the issue is overblown. He compares it to the controversial college athletes who earn money as well. “..Paying players is forbidden by the NCAA...even though many of the players who allegedly received cash were broke and incapable of holding down a paying job because they spend most of their free time providing unpaid labor for a multi-billion dollar cartel”. He argues for the sake of athletes, and illustrates the simplicity of the drug, and its often use with no ill-effect.

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