Wednesday, September 11, 2013

"Why I carry a Gun" by Cindy Huang

The author of this article Cindy Huang from PBS Newshour, tries to provide arguments over the gun rights debate from the people who support having guns, whose lives rely much on guns. She interviewed 10 American from different States with different genders and ages, various occupations. Most of these interviews believe that guns are necessary for self-protection, either for normal daily lives or jobs. Some who work for jobs with higher danger level, like private investigator and security guard, believe gun could ensure their own safety. And some who live far away believe gun could be helpful when no one could help them in time. Base on the interviews with these people, I believe their point of argument is that firearm ownership should be a right as guns are mainly used for protection purpose by 'honest, law-abiding' citizens. Gun as a type of weapon, does not represent goodness or evilness itself. But only remain as a tool for either good citizens or criminals. The goodness or badness should be within a person's heart, not the gun itself. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am pro-gun until you shoot me dead. I've lived all over the country and had this argument many times. I've learned that the key to swaying people pro-gun is empathy. The article did a great job of this by personalizing the interviewees which made me think of things I haven't thought of in years, like remember I'm pro-gun. I'm give a few pro-gun examples too. My mom is a goat farmer in TN. I grew up shooting a .44 at coyotes to protect her livestock. She told me not to even kill the coyotes, just scare them. Taking my mother's rifle would negatively affect her livelihood. If you were her you'd NEED a gun too. My dad was just like the insurance agent in the article. My dad was 32yrs career military and a hip holster S&W owner long after his retirement. Ask any soldier, and they'll tell you that the military is a lifestyle from bootcamp until the day you die. Guns are part of that lifestyle and you wouldn't take guns from our troops would you? Lastly, I'm a recovering drug addict. I lived in NYC and spent time in places that were scary, b/c most of the people were armed. Granted, I was in these situations out of my own stupidity, but, put YOURSELF at a project in Harlam @3am... for any reason. You want a 9mm too. Stereotypes exist for a reason. Put yourself in Zimmerman's shoes. What if Trevon Martin had been armed? Does Zimmerman deserve to be shot b/c he has to be unarmed? I'm all for gun requirements and regulations. If you meet the bar, you deserve a gun! People who cant get legally guns will always be able to get guns illegally anyway, and use them violently. Does that thought make you want a gun for protection? Put yourself in someone else's shoes...empathize.


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