Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Matt Stemper “Do we have any clue how to fight terrorism?”

In the article “Do we have any clue how to fight terrorism?” the author Kevin Drum states that there really have not been many articles that has anything talking about counterterrorism. The author says that it is ridiculous that we only have seven good articles to consider on this topic, and they all state that the United States counterterrorism has not progressed over the years, which is terribly negative. Although he does state that there could be a lot of classified studies done by the government that could possibly prove those seven articles wrong. Kevin Drum makes his final argument against the government when he compares the number of respectable articles on counterterrorism to the number of articles on LOLCats. He writes very negatively about the population, declaring that people should be far more worried about topics such as counter terrorism, than topics such as LOLcats and other Internet humor items.

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