Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Joey King
Blog Entry  1

John Kerry Costs US Defense Industry 400 Billion 

After learning that Syria could possibly remove their stockpile of chemical weapons from the country, John Kerry decided to tell the public that he was going to avoid military strikes. This caused an uproar from the Defense Industry workers who were prepared to sell missiles and other defensive objects such as unmanned drones. 
The defense industry believes that if his views don't work out, he should be held responsible for all the money that they lost. 400 Billion is quite the lucrative conflict, so there is reason for the anger displayed by workers across the country. 

The author of the article really attacked John Kerry by bringing in as many educated opinions as possible that sided against Kerry's views. Many of those who gave quotes were workers who were displeased by Kerry's actions. The Author argues that this was a money making opportunity that was lost by a politician speaking out of line.,33815/

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