Wednesday, September 11, 2013

On Syria Debate, Congress Shifts From Frenzied to Frozen

This article “On Syria Debate, Congress Shifts from Frenzied to Frozen” is a latest political news, which announces that last night, president Obama delayed the vote on using military force on Syria and it seemed like congress cooled down from frantic. The vote and meeting on Syria was canceled and instead lawmakers mourned for the 9.11 attack 12 years ago and moved to the budget, healthcare and some other topics. Things changed a lot since last week. Last week, to gain support for bombing Syria, every staff in White House tried to brief congressional Democrats and Republicans and to persuade the skeptical lawmakers to agree with the military force in Syria. Also, American Israel Public Affairs Committee sent 300 people to do the lobbying work. But it turned out to be that didn’t work even after an all-hands-on deck effort on Monday. For now, Congress would likely to see the debatable and divisive vote put off.

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