Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Sources: US weapons stolen in Libya raids, fueling Special Forces pull-out

I read an article which entitled “Sources: US weapons stolen in Libya raids, fueling Special Forces pull-out” on Fox This news argued that the loss of weapons that used by U.S. Special Forces contributes to the decision of pulling Special Forces out. 

The news argues this from the importance of the weapons, the time, the governors consideration and the tasks of the team. First the news uses one source to point out the importance of the stolen equipment, which said the weapons could help U.S win wars and the enemy didn’t have them. As for time, the raids happened a few weeks before the team leave the country. Another source which was said having “direct knowledge of the events” gives the support that State Department was afraid of things going wrong more. Also, the loss were guns which were sensitive items and may cause terrify consequences, so State Department did not want to be responsible for that. Therefore, people wanted the team moved out of the country. Although the Pentagon officials did not admit the team members were tasked to track the Benghazi suspects, the source of Fox news still provided evidences that the training mission was another reason for the Special Forces pull-out.

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