Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A Rousing UVA Commencement Speech.

The article on the Onion entitled "1998 University of Virginia Graduates Still Taking Inspiration from Governor Jim Gilmore's Commencement Speech." The fact claim made by this article is that Jim Gilmore's speech to the graduating class of 1998 states that the graduates who were there for that speech constantly use the inspiration from that speech in their everyday lives. This claim is backed up with testimonials from the graduates who were at the commencement ceremony with statements like, "Everything I've done, I've done because of Jim Gilmore's speech." Other quotations from students who have drawn lifelong inspiration from Jim Gilmore's speech help wrap up the evidence that Jim Gilmore's speech is still resonating fifteen years later. The warrant here is that the students who claim to still use the words of Jim Gilmore in their everyday lives, only do so because of the lasting inspiration of his speech fifteen years ago. 

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