Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Web's Biggest Illegal Drug Marketplace is Shut Down by the FBI

This article published by PBS NewsHour, is featured on the PBS blog titled The Rundown. The article explains the recent take down of an illegal online drug marketplace. The article explains in some detail the criminal complaint filed against the operator of the marketplace, William Ulbricht. The article is thorough and informative. As for the argument it is making, the medium used to deliver the information allows for more freedom of opinion than a regular news article, since this one is posted on a blog.

The claim could be that the FBI is doing a good job protecting and serving the United States. The claim is warranted by the evidence in the article - this includes the criminal complaint and citing the original report of the takedown by Brian Krebs. The argument is relevant and plays on the kairos of the situation - it is published at a time when the American public is not very pleased with the government and this article shows the good that the "essentials" are doing. The ethos or credibility of the article is evident in the source - a respected public news source. The use of the adjectives "incredible" and "riveting" show bias, however it is a blog post which is a medium that allow for biased writing.

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