Monday, October 14, 2013

China gives U.S. lesson in grown-up policy making

The article I read is the most popular news in CNN today – China gives U.S. lesson in grown-up policy making written by Global Public Square staff from CNN. This article is shown is then full-blown classic model.
The claim in this article is American government should learn from Chinese government on making policy decision.
In the introduction part, it describes news bout APEC and then asks while the presidents of China was in last week’s APEC, where President Obama was.  Then the author lists what Obama missed last week. This introduction is impressive. It begins with a fact and a question to make people think the reason and want to learn more.
After the introduction, the author doesn't make the claim immediately. Instead, the author lists what Chinese president and premier did and what achievements they made last week as the first supporting point. And then the article talks about the developments of China during the last several years. For the last supporting point, the author uses a part from news: World wants U.S. soft power. Basically, the last point shows us how China’s leaders learn from the mistakes they made and try to display a soft face to other countries.

In the conclusion, the author makes a contrast between China and the U.S. and raises the claim that American government should stop repeating returning to deadlock and continues to govern from crisis to crisis. I think this is the delayed thesis structure talked about in our textbook and it works very well in this article. Political topics are always controversial and easy to be attacked. So putting the claim at the end of the article makes the claim easy to be accepted after so many facts are showed. 

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