Monday, October 14, 2013

"Dying Ohio Man On Gurney Leads Daughter Down Aisle On Wedding Day" -- Associated Press Article

Dying Ohio man on gurney leads daughter down aisle on wedding day
Published October 13, 2013 / Associated Press

This article was posted by the Associated Press which tells a story about a terminally ill man “escorting” his daughter down the aisle during her wedding by means of a hospital gurney.  The daughter’s ultimate wish was to have her father walk her down the aisle during her wedding…however her father is terminally ill due to Urethral Cancer.  He was, however, able to fulfill his promise to bring her down the aisle with the help of hospital staff bringing him to the ceremony via ambulance.  There were only facts within this article asserting the specifics of what occurred.  The article included Aristotle’s “Pathos” means of persuasion as the story puts the reader in a sympathetic frame of mind and provides an emotional appeal.  The models used included the Inverted Pyramid as it provided the facts (who, what, where, when…) but also was extremely Pathos-Centric, again due to the emotional context.

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