Thursday, October 31, 2013

Conservatives Punish Fox News for 2012 Election Failure

An interesting article by Kevin Drum takes a look at the 2012 vs 2012 GOP brand trust rankings. In 2012 Fox News channel was first with a 64.5 score, in 2013 it is not even in the top ten of trusted brands. Drum goes through the potential that Fox News being blamed for the 2012 election failure but attributes it to something else, using evidence. When he refers to the other brands, like Chick-fila and History channel going down, it in some sense refutes the claim that the Fox News brand is untrustworthy being credible. It is interesting how the numbers have changed so drastically in the last year, but it may have just been the election being over. I would use inductive reasoning to determine that the numbers are fairly skewed by recent events, including the end of the election, and general loss of interest.

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