Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Facebook Ban On Graphic Content Uplifted (CNN)

This article is about the fortune 500 social network website Facebook and its recent decision to lift the ban off of graphic video content (including beheadings) that some people would find offensive. It  is definitely a policy claim. Facebook also prohibits nudity, drug use and pornography, and these restrictions will stay in force, but until last may, it openly allowed violent content such as beheadings to be published, provided the intent is to raise awareness rather than celebrate violence. The grounds are published in the Facebook's user conditions which "prohibit photos or videos that glorify violence or attack an individual or group." The quality of evidence and reasoning is documented and substantial and it definitely helps the credibility knowing that an official Facebook spokesperson clarified its reasoning for lifting the ban and spoke to the public news media. The author primarily uses logos meaning it justifies its reasoning for making these controversial decisions. 

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