Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Hi-tech cars open to cyber-hacking

Recently, the chance of occurring organized crimes become higher as the risk of hacking high tech automobiles rises because hackers can easily approach the control systems of various vehicles. This fact claim is proven by the experiment from security engineer Charlie Miller and the director of security intelligence at IOAcitve, Chris Valasek. They prove that they can control the vehicles such as Toyota Prius and Ford Escape by their laptops. Miller says that “automobiles are no longer just mechanical devices,” emphasizing automobiles in nowadays are the mixture of high tech electronic control systems with networks. Another ground for the claim is the experiment from the University of Washington and UC San Diego. Both school’s scholars also hacked the computer system of high tech automobiles by using wireless technology in 2011. These events make various carmakers and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to seriously concern about traffic safety. The reasonable rebuttal for this claim has not been made yet but various carmakers tell that they acknowledge the problem and consider how they can make things better. For example, the spokesmen from Toyota and Ford say that they are trying to invent new form of technology that may block the attacks from hackers. However, the European Union’s law enforcement agency Europol says that there is no guarantee to block the attack from hackers because “criminals’ knowledge keeps up with the improvements to the technology.”

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