Thursday, October 24, 2013

Japan will replace Saudi Arabia?

I watched a news commentary talk show on Ifeng TV. The topic they analyzed yesterday is the possibility that Japan will replace Saudi Arabia as a member of the Security Council. The guest they invited thinks Japan won’t take the opportunity.
In the introduction part, the host introduces the background information first. Saudi Arabia rejects seats on U.N. Security Council and then Japan tries to get the opportunity. I think this part is necessary to let all the audience knows what they are talking about.
And then he states the claim that Japan won’t be selected as a member of U.N Security Council no matter seeing from the subjective view or objective view. In this part, he notices the audience that he would talk this topic in two parts and it makes his argument organized and clear.
From the subjective view, the first reason is Japan is so busy dealing with their domestic affairs so Japanese may save some energy to take care of their own country. And the second reason is that this position is not as powerful as Permanent members of the U.N Security Council which Japan really wants to be so it is not very attractive to Japan.
For the objective conditions, there is an important reason. China and South Korea are all Security Council members and Japan is too close to them. Conventionally, all members in Asia cannot be concentrated in East Asia and U.N. needs some opinions from Arab countries.
Maybe because the duration control of the show, he didn’t give a conclusion which I think is the only shortage of the whole argument. He followed the traditional argue structure and divided his body part into two main part by two different views and it makes his argument clear and more convincible. Overall, he did a good job in this show.

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