Thursday, October 24, 2013

U.S. Promises Russia Snowden Will Have a Fair Trial

As some of you may have heard, Edward Snowden leaked some covert information from the NSA, who are understandably upset that someone accessed and used their personal files unlawfully and unethically. The fallout from this leak has reached far and wide, as countries such as Mexico and Germany have voiced anger at the NSA for accessing their files unlawfully and unethically. The NSA claims it was just using information from private phone calls and emails to try to strengthen international ties, just like how when you are in a relationship its okay to access your partner's phone and email records to bring you closer together. In the context of this article, however, Russia has not yet decided to turn Snowden over to the US justice system based on the ethical grounds that he will not receive a fair trial, citing evidence regarding how the US has treated so called "enemies of the state" in the past, especially in international waters. They believe he will be tortured or killed before he stands trial, and that any trial he receives will likely be a sham. To counter these assertions, a US attorney general has issued a letter to Russian diplomats promising not to kill or torture Snowden. Fair warning, Russia: he didn't promise not to do kill and torture him.

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