Wednesday, November 20, 2013

"Modest Proposal" - Obama Rules

Charlie Pray
Instructor D. Horvath
Modest Proposal
My proposal is that we support President Obama; especially in his move to force all Americans to turn their weapons over to our government so that we can fully support the Mexican cartel, the most dangerous community in the world. This is the just one of the great things about our president. He holds a personal relationship with Mexican cartels and is giving them a full stock of American weapons that we have paid for. Instead of keeping our private citizens protected and armed (which was placed in our bill of rights), it’s extremely obvious that it is in our best interest to supply drug lords and gangs with enough weaponry and ammo to start a small civil war. Why didn’t we think of this before?
But for now, lets totally forget about the current gun laws that keep weapons away from felons with background checks. We need to make the laws even more extreme, so that nobody is allowed to have a gun unless you work for the U.S. government. Because odds are you are an American citizen with a perfect shiny clean record, you don’t need a gun for self-protection or recreation; it is bad for your health. And while we are discussing health, Obama should also be implementing a law so that we are not allowed to own spoons or forks to eat because they are the reason America is obese.

Overall, I think president Obama is the best president ever. And although he sports the lowest approval rating of all time, I hear that now days if nobody likes you, it means you are doing it right. Chive on, brother.

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