Thursday, September 19, 2013

Food Allergies Costing US Families Billions

First off all, standing 6'9 and 225 pounds, thank goodness i don't have food allergies. Cleaner and non allergenic foods along with lost productivity are costing American families nearly 25 billion dollars every year. This fact hits home close to me because i had a teammate i would go grocery shopping with last year and i was blown away at the money he was forced to spend at specialty grocery stores. He was basically allergic to every food. All i ever saw him eating was dry foods such as organic chicken, eggs and potatoes. When i would spend approximately 40 dollars at the store, he would purchase the same amount of food but spend over 100 dollars. His family has gotten used to the unfortunate situation because his mother struggles with the same problem. With my grocery bill being so expensive every week, i couldn't be more thankful that i don't struggle with this problem.

Joey  King

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