Thursday, September 19, 2013

I'm Just a Free Spirit Who is Entirely Financially Dependent on Others,33905/?ref=auto

I thought this was funny, to an extent. So this guy pretty much does what a lot of people do but to an extreme. Showing no remorse for actually mooching anyone he can mooch from, whether it be their food their shelter or even their luxury items. He does a great job at saying all that he can do and get away with, even by saying that the people he is living off of would not kick him out because of past experiences with him.

I believe this is an over exaggeration but an accurate one. Some countries, people and pets do this. Although pets genuinely are our choice. People do this to their parents a lot, thinking that their parents will pay for everything and not being thankful for it at all. That is the only thing I find quite interesting about this fake article. Realistically, people would go about thanking people through actions. For example, if my parents paid for everything such as school, food, clothes, etc. I would in return make the best use out of them. Get good grades, be frugal with the food, take really good care of the clothes and so forth. This would be the case if they said that they did not want anything in return or for me to pay them back.

However, in this case, the by-the-seat-of-my-pants kind of guy deliberately states that people would never kick him out or show him the door because its awkward and they feel bad for him. Those are very gullible/ weak willed people that are getting used, I should say, can and should kick the "free-spirit" out. Not only for their well-being but for his as well. For this I'd like to say it is both parties responsibility to move forward and be more productive.  

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