Thursday, September 19, 2013

Would US strike on Syria be legal? (Politifact)

For the past few weeks the hot topic of discussion on all news channels was Syria's use of chemical warfare and the question whether the US should get involved. President Obama has vowed vengeance for the death of hundreds of children, claiming he is justifiable because Syria broke international law using chemical weapons. His speech given on September 10 stated he has the authority to strike with permission from congress or not. But the interesting part is that in this article the United Nations security council claims that if Obama strikes on Syria, he would be in direct violation of International laws of war himself. He has no backing for a self defense rule as the US was threatened in no way. But since the US is a powerful sovereign nation we could strike without authority to protect our "interests". The author of the article was clearly against the attack because he made every effort to put Obama in the wrong.

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